Skyrim Enchantments

The list of all the enchantments in skyrim

Fortify Alchemy

Increases the potency of created potions and poisons.

Fortify Archery

Bows do <mag>% more damage.

Fortify Barter

Better prices.

Fortify Block

Fortify Blocking

Fortify Carry Weight

Increases maximum carry weight.

Magicka Regen

Increase the rate of Magicka regeneration

Fortify Healing Rate

Increases the regeneration rate of Health

Fortify Health

Increases maximum Health.

Fortify Heavy Armor

Fortify Heavy Armor

Fortify Lockpicking

Makes Lockpicking easier.

Fortify One-Handed

Increases One-Handed weapon damage

Fortify Pickpocket

Fortify Pickpocket

Fortify Smithing

Increases Smithing skill.

Fortify Sneak

Increases Sneak skill.

Fortify Stamina

Fortify Stamina

Fortify Stamina Regen

Increases the regeneration rate of Stamina

Fortify Two-Handed

Increases Two-Handed weapon damage.

Fortify Unarmed

Increases unarmed damage.


Move more quietly for 180 seconds.

Resist Disease

Increases disease resistance.

Resist Fire

Increases resistance to Fire Damage.

Resist Frost

Increases resistance to Frost Damage.

Resist Poison

Increases poison resistance.

Resist Shock

Increases resistance to Shock Damage.

Water Breathing

Breathe underwater for 60 seconds

Absorb Health

Absorb health from target enemy

Absorb Magicka

Absorbs 10 (min) points of magicka

Absorb Stamina

Absorb 10 points of stamina.


Summoned daedra are sent back to Oblivion.

Chaos Damage

50% chance for each element of Fire Damage, Frost Damage and Shock Damage to do 25 points of damage.


Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 seconds.

Fiery Soul Trap

If target dies within 5 seconds, fills a soul gem, burns the target for 10 points. Targets on fire take extra damage.

Fire Damage

Burns the target for x points. Targets on fire take extra damage.

Frost Damage

Target takes x points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.

Huntsman's Prowess

3 points of extra damage to Animals.

Magicka Damage

Does x points of Magicka damage.


Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 seconds.

Shock Damage

Target takes x points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka damage.

Silent Moons Enchant

While the moons are out, burns the target for (10–20) points.

Soul Trap

If target dies within x seconds, fills a soul gem.

Stamina Damage

Does 15 points of Stamina damage.

Turn Undead

Undead up to level 13 flee.